We are Britex.

We create stunning digital experiences
that will help your business stand out.

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Who We Are

We are a group of design driven individuals passionate about creating beautiful UI designs.

We help our clients tell their unique stories, connect with their audiences and execute their visions by combining artful expression with modern utility.
Our work bridges the gap between ethos and function, personality and features, impression and affect. To do this, we provide our clients with a mixture of creative visualization, systems thinking and strategic perspective.


At its core, design is systemized problem solving. Design encompasses all the high level thinking we do when we come up with an idea about how we can make something better. We define the problem that has to be solved.


The product design role is one of finding problems, iterating on potential solutions, and refining toward one which we’ve identified as the “best”, through testing, and user research, given our needs and constraints.


A well-made design system allows you to simply drag and drop visual components right into your new prototype. The more graphic design assets you collect in a design system, the faster your workflow for future projects.


We discovered that there’s actually a formula that viral product releases tend to follow. To take the guesswork out of launching we plan, budgetize and start.

What We Do

We have everything you need to launch and grow a successful digital business.

We start with an insight or idea and give it form. We build on it, add-to it, refine and extend it, until we uncover the idea’s true potential. The end deliverables come in a variety of formats—prototypes, written strategies, design explorations, structures and systems, etc… all with the goal of generating momentum and making something real.

Brand Identity

We make every experience people have with your business meaningful. We build brands with purpose, brands that impact the lives of millions, and brands that last.


We create exceptional work that delights and intrigues our clients and grabs the attention of our target audience regardless of who they are.

Web Design

We have the technical expertise, the eye for a good design, and the enthusiasm to do a good job. We explore the internet and view the latest trends in design.

Product Strategy

We use a wide range of strategic tools and methods to help organizations take advantage of untapped opportunities in the market, including research, ideation, market strategy, forecasting, technology planning, and business modeling.

UI/UX Design

As designers, strategists, artists and creators we learn from the past while thoughtfully pushing forward. To do this, we need a mix of people. Both polymaths and specialists, with different backgrounds, perspectives and philosophies.

Mobile Development

We use all the capabilities of the mobile devices. It means not to compromise on experience you create for the user. And eventually means a solid foundation for scaling up and turning a mobile product into a real business.

Awards Received
Cups of Coffee
Projects Completed
Happy Clients

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